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Mince Pie Ride

This was a lovely ride, with many thanks to Molly for pies, and Chris and Nick Paine for hosting and organising and Chris for a delicious post ride home-made stolen and glass of mulled wine. Some rode the full extent of the route (22km round trip) across to Narbeth where they were indulged in further refreshment, kindly hosted by Andrew Glaister. Many thanks to Andrew, and for the impromptu history lesson in which we heard of Narbeth castle under siege from where we were standing, towards the top of the hill. There were also fantastic views across to Preseli.

For others it was a more gentle day to introduce young horses to a ride out in different territory and company, and for new riders to experience 'the map room', simple map drawing and riding a route.

Chris also kindly set-up a few obstacles in her arena for people to have a go at.

A very good training exercise all round and a good fittening ride in company for the more experienced!



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